
Domestic Journals

Low Computational FFT-based Fine Acquisition Technique for BOC Signals
Year 2022
Journal 2022 / Journal of Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, v.11, no.1, pp.11-21
Author Jeong-Hoon Kim, Binhee Kim, Seung-Hyun Kong
Link 관련링크 32회 연결
Fast Fourier transform (FFT)-based parallel acquisition techniques with reduced computational complexity have been widely used for the acquisition of binary phase shift keying (BPSK) global positioning system (GPS) signals. In this paper, we propose a low computational FFT-based fine acquisition technique, for binary offset carrier (BOC) modulated BPSK signals, that depending on the subcarrier-to-code chip rate ratio (SCR) selectively utilizes the computationally efficient frequency-domain realization of the BPSK-like technique and two-dimensional compressed correlator (BOC-TDCC) technique in the first stage in order to achieve a fast coarse acquisition and accomplishes a fine acquisition in the second stage. It is analyzed and demonstrated that the proposed technique requires much smaller mean fine acquisition computation (MFAC) than the conventional FFT-based BOC acquisition techniques. The proposed technique is one of the first techniques that achieves a fast FFT-based fine acquisition of BOC signals with a slight loss of detection probability. Therefore, the proposed technique is beneficial for the receivers to make a quick position fix when there are plenty of strong (i.e., line-of-sight) GNSS satellites to be searched.