공지 Seung-Hyun Kong 공승현 Associate Professor, Ph.D. The CCS Graduate School of Mobility F412, KAIST Munji Campus, 193, Munji-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Republic of Korea (+82)42.350.1265 skong@kaist.ac.kr VIEW DETAIL Professional Experience Associate Professor, KAIST, Korea, 2010~Present (Tenured at 2017) BK21+ 사업 팀장, BK21+ 미래교통시스템사업팀, 2016~2020 Staff Research Engineer, Qualcomm Research Center, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007~2009 Founder and CTO of R&D, Nexpilot Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, 2000~2004 Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, 1997~2000 Research Interests Advanced Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Deep Learning for Vehicle Sensors (LiDAR, Radar, Camera, GNSS) Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion for Localization and Reliable Perception Cooperative Vehicle Navigation for Urban Environments Assisted-GNSS for Mobile and V2X Communication Systems Professional Activities and Service General Chair and Organization Chair, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (2024), Jeju, Korea, 2024 Co-Founder and CTO, Zeta Mobility Co., 2023~Present President, Autoware Foundation of Korea, 2024~Present Founding Chair, Autoware Foundation of Korea, 2023~2024 Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on ITS, 2017~Present Associate Editor, IEEE Access, 2017~2021Editor of IET Radar, Sonar, and Navigation (SCI, IF 1.837), 2016~2021 Lead Guest Editor of the Special Section on "GNSS, Localization, and Navigation Technologies" in IEEE Access, 2017~2018 Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "ITS Empowered by AI Technologies" in IEEE Trans. on ITS, 2017~2019 Program Co-Chair, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), 2019 Program Chair, Inst. of Pos. Navi., and Timing (IPNT) Conference, 2015~2016, 2018 Chair, Wireless Pos. and Nav. Technologies Workshop, Seoul, 2015~2016 Co-Organizer, Workshop on Location Engineering, Seoul, 2013 한국통신학회 무선측위 및 항법기술 연구회 위원장, 2014~2021 한국항법시스템학회 학회이사 , 한국ITS학회, 2014~Present Honors and Awards KAIST Globalization Excellence Lab, 2024 Outstanding Paper Award (S.J. Lee and S.-H. Kong) - IPNT Conference, 2023 대통령상(1위), 국제대학생자율주행경진대회, 2018 IEEE Senior Membership, 2016~Present 2015 KAIST Technology Innovation Award, 2015 Outstanding Paper Award (H.-W. Ko and S.-H. Kong) - KGS Conference, 2015 Outstanding Paper Award (K. Jung and S.-H. Kong) - KGS Conference, 2014 Distinguished Contribution Award - LBS Forum, 2004 Outstanding Patent Prize, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., 1999 Education Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford Univ., CA, 1995~1996, 2005 "Advancements in Mobile Positioning Technologies and Mobile Location Networks” M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Univ. (merged to NYU), NY, 1994B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 1988~1991
Professional Experience Associate Professor, KAIST, Korea, 2010~Present (Tenured at 2017) BK21+ 사업 팀장, BK21+ 미래교통시스템사업팀, 2016~2020 Staff Research Engineer, Qualcomm Research Center, San Diego, CA, USA, 2007~2009 Founder and CTO of R&D, Nexpilot Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, 2000~2004 Research Engineer, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Seoul, Korea, 1997~2000 Research Interests Advanced Reinforcement Learning for Self-Driving Deep Learning for Vehicle Sensors (LiDAR, Radar, Camera, GNSS) Deep Learning for Sensor Fusion for Localization and Reliable Perception Cooperative Vehicle Navigation for Urban Environments Assisted-GNSS for Mobile and V2X Communication Systems Professional Activities and Service General Chair and Organization Chair, IEEE Intelligent Vehicle Symposium (2024), Jeju, Korea, 2024 Co-Founder and CTO, Zeta Mobility Co., 2023~Present President, Autoware Foundation of Korea, 2024~Present Founding Chair, Autoware Foundation of Korea, 2023~2024 Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on ITS, 2017~Present Associate Editor, IEEE Access, 2017~2021Editor of IET Radar, Sonar, and Navigation (SCI, IF 1.837), 2016~2021 Lead Guest Editor of the Special Section on "GNSS, Localization, and Navigation Technologies" in IEEE Access, 2017~2018 Lead Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "ITS Empowered by AI Technologies" in IEEE Trans. on ITS, 2017~2019 Program Co-Chair, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2019), 2019 Program Chair, Inst. of Pos. Navi., and Timing (IPNT) Conference, 2015~2016, 2018 Chair, Wireless Pos. and Nav. Technologies Workshop, Seoul, 2015~2016 Co-Organizer, Workshop on Location Engineering, Seoul, 2013 한국통신학회 무선측위 및 항법기술 연구회 위원장, 2014~2021 한국항법시스템학회 학회이사 , 한국ITS학회, 2014~Present Honors and Awards KAIST Globalization Excellence Lab, 2024 Outstanding Paper Award (S.J. Lee and S.-H. Kong) - IPNT Conference, 2023 대통령상(1위), 국제대학생자율주행경진대회, 2018 IEEE Senior Membership, 2016~Present 2015 KAIST Technology Innovation Award, 2015 Outstanding Paper Award (H.-W. Ko and S.-H. Kong) - KGS Conference, 2015 Outstanding Paper Award (K. Jung and S.-H. Kong) - KGS Conference, 2014 Distinguished Contribution Award - LBS Forum, 2004 Outstanding Patent Prize, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., 1999 Education Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Stanford Univ., CA, 1995~1996, 2005 "Advancements in Mobile Positioning Technologies and Mobile Location Networks” M.S. in Electrical Engineering, Polytechnic Univ. (merged to NYU), NY, 1994B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Sogang University, Seoul, Korea, 1988~1991